Email Settings
Project Administrators can adjust email settings for individual project members from any Project homepage by going to Admin -> Email Settings. Please note the following:
- For an email address to appear on this list then at least one email must have been sent to that address in the past. Normally this is done when the Project Invitations are issued. If you don't see an email address that you expect on this list then try re-inviting them to the project or leaving a comment against a relevant document for them on the tracker.
- Fields with a text-entry field are emails which are sent on a regular schedule (such as reminder emails for overdue documents). Enter the number of days between issue of such emails in the field provided. Enter "N" (or any other non-numeric value) to stop sending these emails to the recipient.
- Fields with a checkbox are emails which are sent immediately at the time of creation and do not follow a schedule. Check or uncheck those boxes to allow or block particular individuals from receiving those types of emails.
- You can turn off all emails from this project to a particular email address (without having to adjust each setting by email type) by simply clicking on the "Block All" checkbox next to each email address.
- Rows highlighted in red (without any associated inputs) are email addresses that have been blocked due to too many hard-bounces (message undeliverable). It is likely that this email address has been deactivated or is incorrect. Sometimes it can be caused by the recipients Inbox being full. In rare cases it may be caused by the recipient using a spam filter to block emails from ODS Track. Check the email address and check with the recipient that their system is not blocking emails from ODS Track. If you are confident that the issue has been resolved then contact us requesting that we unblock the respective email address.