
ODS-Studio Add-On

The ODS Studio addon works with Blender on any supported platform (Mac, Linux, Windows and more). This allows you to model and set-up cases on any machine that has Blender installed.

Installation of the ODS-Studio add-ons for Blender is easy, simply:

  1. Download and install Blender 2.63a
  2. Download the installation executable or zip files for the fee ODS-Studio modules and move the contents of the "addons" directory to the 2.63/scripts/addons folder of your Blender installation

Further instructions specific to your platform (Windows, Mac or Linux) are outlined below.


  1. Download the ODS-Studio packaged setup.exe file which includes all freely available modules
  2. Run the installation script and read instructions carefully to ensure that required third-party software is installed correctly.
  3. Refer to the YouTube video below for a demonstration of installing on a Windows platform


Note: The current version of ODS Studio has been developed and tested on Ubuntu Linux 12.04 (64-bit).  ODS Studio v0.6 or higher comes with a script which carries out the steps below automatically and facilitates installation from a plain Ubuntu 12.04 installation.

OpenFOAM 2.1.1 (required for CFD)

  1. Install OpenFOAM for Debian/Ubuntu by following install instructions on the website
  2. Download the ODS Studio OpenFOAM Extensions below and compile them as follows:
    • Extract the downloaded .zip file anywhere on your machine
    • Open a terminal window.  "cd" to the directory where you extracted the OpenFOAM Extensions
    • To compile the OpenFOAM Extensions to your base OpenFOAM installation directory type:
sudo su
source /opt/openfoam211/etc/bashrc

Radiance 4r1 (required for lighting analysis)

  1. Install Radiance by typing into a terminal: "sudo apt-get install radiance"

EnergyPlus 7.1.1 (required for energy modelling)

  1. Install EnergyPlus 7.1.1 for Linux
  2. Optional: Install OpenStudio by following these instructions
Icon ODS Studio OpenFOAM Extensions (607.6 KB)


Note: The current version of ODS Studio has been tested on a Macbook Pro with 64-bit architecture running Snow Leopard.

OpenFOAM 2.1.1 (required for CFD)

  1. Download the OpenFOAM 2.1.1 binaries
  2. Make the folder "/opt/OpenFOAM" if it does not already exist by typing in a terminal: "sudo mkdir -p /opt/OpenFOAM"
  3. Move the downloaded file into the "/opt/OpenFOAM" folder and extract it. The terminal command to extract is: "sudo tar xzf filename.tar.gz". This should create the directory "/opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.1.1"

Radiance 4r1 (required for lighting analysis)

  1. Download Radiance for Mac OSX
  2. Extract the file and move its contents to /opt/rad4
  3. Edit the file ~/.profile (or create it if it doesn't already exist) and add the following line: "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/rad4/bin"

EnergyPlus 7.1.1 (required for energy modelling)

  1. Download and installEnergyPlus 7.1.1 for Mac OSX
  2. Optional: Download and install the latest version of OpenStudio in order to get ResultsViewer